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Dicas perturbadoras para gastar bem seu tempo!

Ariely, Dan (2015), Previsivelmente Irracional


Ariely, Dan (2016), Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations 


Kahneman, Daniel (2013), Thinking, Fast and Slow 


Wade, Nicholas (2014), Uma Herança Incômoda: Genes, Raça e História 


Benartzi, Shlomo (2015),Thinking Smarter: Seven Steps to Your Fulfilling Retirement


Sinek, Simon (2014), Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t 


Christian, David (2014), Big History: Between Nothing and Everything 


Schwartz, Barry (2004), The Paradox of Choice 


Diamond, Jared (1997), Armas, Germes e Aço


Earle, Sylvia (2009), The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean's Are One


Urban, Tim (2017),


Ted Talks (2017), 


Sirolli Institute (2017),


Salim Ismail, Salim (2014), Organizações Exponenciais

Harari, Noah Yuval (2015), Homo Deus

Schull, Natasha Dow (2012), Addicted by Design

Eyal, Nir (2013), Hooked

Maeda, John (2006), The Law of Simplicity

Shargava, Rohit (2018), Non Obvios Trends 2018

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